Monday, 10 December 2012

Finally get that firm look that you’ve always wanted.

Tummy tuck is one of the most well-known procedures in cosmetic surgery, and with the help of media and technology, most people already have a general idea of how it’s done. Right now though, the latest trend is to undergo a procedure called a mini-tummy tuck. You can get a mini abdominoplasty in Boston. Here’s a look on how the two procedures differ from each other. To have mini abdominoplasty 
The abdominal area that is treated is the biggest difference that you’ll notice between the two procedures. The mini-tummy tuck works on the areas from your navel to the middle of your hip bone.
What makes the mini-tummy tuck more favorable is that the surgery will be quicker and much less intrusive. There’s also going to be less scar tissue because the surgery involves a smaller incision. All of the standard factors like the equipment used, preparation and pre-surgery requirements are identical.

The abdominoplasty, otherwise known as the tummy tuck, involves the whole abdominal area. The partial abdominoplasty, also called the mini-tummy tuck, focuses only on the lower abdominal area. If you choose to go with the full abdominoplasty though, a large incision will be made from one end of your abdomen to the other, resulting in a much larger scar.

The use of drainage tubes and the recovery time are among the other notable differences between the two procedures. After a regular tummy tuck, the recovery time usually takes 5 hours or longer, whereas with the mini-tummy tuck, the recovery time is cut to around 2-3 hours. Drainage tubes are used in the regular tummy tuck procedure; these are inserted in the abdomen and removed after the surgery. Whether you go with the full abdominoplasty or the mini version, general anesthesia must be used.

Whichever procedure you choose, both of them are only recommended to people who don’t plan on having any more children. If you’re no longer interested in having children, that’s the only time you can have the surgery. The same thing also applies if you’re planning on having a significant reduction on your weight.

You should have enough information about these procedures before you decide on which surgery you want to have. In addition, before any type of surgery, you need to make sure that you have discussed things thoroughly with your doctor so that you’ll be aware of all the options. Even if the differences between the abdominoplasty and the partial abdominoplasty are few, you should learn which one would be better for you. If you are still having difficulties in deciding which procedure is more suited for you, you may want to consult a Boston tummy tuck specialist. Once you have decided on which procedure you want, then it’s time to schedule an appointment with a doctor and finally get that firm look that you’ve always wanted.

Go to this website to consult an tummy tuck specialist in Boston.


  1. I've got that firm look that I've ever wanted with the help of a tummy tuck procedure made by Dr. Edelstein.
    I'm glad that I've decided to undergo a procedure like this... it was really needed, because my skin looked very awful and saggy. Now, I love my results and I must admit that it wasn't that bad... everything went well!

  2. Thanks for sharing this piece of information here. This is very helpful indeed.
    Hi there. A tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty, is a significant surgery that is performed to remove excess skin and fat from the stomach and tightens the abdominal muscles.

    tummy tuck before and after video gallery
