Monday 11 June 2012

Get Your Pre-pregnancy Body Back with a Tummy Tuck

It is quite common for women to become a bit unsatisfied with their figures after giving birth to a child; it would be hard not to considering most women are susceptible to developing smaller, saggy-looking breasts from breastfeeding and stretched-out, flabby abdomens covered in stretch marks from carrying a child for nine months. Even if you constantly do sit-ups and modify your diet, there is still a good chance a woman will still have a pot belly after all that work because during pregnancy, the ligaments of the abdominal wall stretch and are unable to retain the elasticity they once had. But despite the metamorphosis a post-pregnancy body has gone through, there is a way to restore the body to the figure it had once before: plastic surgery. Luckily, plastic surgery is becoming more commonplace, more accepted, more effective, cheaper, and safer; less and less women are finding that they need to worry about the stress that comes with post-pregnancy bodies.

Most post-pregnancy women get a combination of three procedures: breast lift, breast augmentation, and abdominoplasty surgery Boston (tummy tuck). A breast lift by itself usually does not make the breast any bigger- it simply raises and firms the breasts into a new position- which is why most post-pregnancy women choose to couple a breast lift with a breast augmentation surgery. The purpose of breast augmentation surgery is to increase the cup size of the breast by placing either a saline or silicone implant under the skin and tissue of the breasts. In order to fix both the size and sagging issues, the tummy tuck surgeon will combine the breast lift and the breast augmentation in one sitting. 

Abdominoplasty, or tummy tuck, is the procedure of removing the skin and fat that rests from the top of the pubic hairline to the belly button as well as tightening the abdominal muscles. The skin and tissue above the belly button is pulled down to the pubic hairline after the skin and tissue between the belly button and pubic hairline is discarded. Scarring from a tummy tuck surgery Boston is minimal with scars below the pubic hairline disappearing completely or almost completely for most patients.

It is highly likely that post-pregnancy women who choose to go through plastic surgery in order to get their pre-pregnancy body back will ultimately be satisfied with their post-op appearance since there is a great chance that the surgery fixed or at least improved the changes their bodies went through due to pregnancy. But there have been recent studies showing that patients getting any plastic surgery procedure at any point in their lives demonstrate higher self-esteem levels and a better quality of life.

For more details on tummy tuck procedures please visit: