The main goal of an abdominoplasty is to firm up the
abdominal muscles. Even with proper exercise and diet the stomach area is the
most common area where fat tends to accumulate. With an abdominoplasty, many
people are able to achieve the six pack muscles so many covet. Abdominoplasty in Boston tends to be
popular probably for several reasons.
The first one pertains to weather. The east coast is known as having particularly harsh winters as compared to the rest of the United States. With drowsy inducing cold weather many people opt out of a strict exercise regimen once the win starts to pick up around September. This can then lead to fat accumulating very easily in the holiday season and the rest of the winter months. Forget about running the streets, just making it to the gym when the temperature outside is below freezing can be near to impossible. It is a common conception that one the weather gets colder, people want to stay in more. Boston serves as no exception to this stereotype.

first reason stems from the culinary scene. Boston is a prominent staple on
America’s culinary map. However, they are known for some rich and fatty foods
such as baked beans with bacon and creamy and calorie-laden clam chowder.
Featured prominently throughout the city, these foods can get attached
themselves easily to the stomach. With so many great food choices that exist it
is easy to gain weight. Then when enough weight has accumulated it becomes
exceedingly difficult to lose it with just regular methods of diet and
exercise. That is when cosmetic procedures come into play for Boston natives.
final reason why tummy tucks are prominently featured in the Boston scene is a
lack of great public transportation. Every big city has to have a public
transportation system for residents that don’t want to drive everywhere. Boston
is a moderate sized city in terms of terrain but is home to a high number of
people. With so many people compacted into a smaller territory, public
transportation is very important. However, Boston‘s public transportation
system is not streamlined enough to offer efficient transportation like other
big cities like New York or Chicago. This big blunder also adds to the volume
of tummy tuck patients in Boston.
Tummy tuck before and after pictures
are usually readily available on plastic surgery websites and offer a simple
way for first time patients to research what they’re signing up for.
If you want to know info or want to see before and after
pictures: check this website