What is sexier than a slim and toned tummy? Nothing. Everyone strives to achieve a sleek silhouette for their waistline through diet and exercise, but often times, our body clings on to stubborn fatty deposits that just won’t disappear. The main cause of this, especially for middle aged women, is hormones. During times of menopause, the level of estrogen drops significantly and results in making women more prone to visceral belly fat. In addition, the stresses of life, such as kids, mortgages, and car payments can cause a spike in cortisol, “stress hormone,” which furthers institutes fat around the belly area.
A tummy tuck in Boston is a guaranteed safe and effective way of permanently removing fatty cells around your belly. This is a very common and highly-requested cosmetic procedure for women who had recently given birth or had lost a lot of weight and want to rid of excess skin and fat. In most cases, the underlying muscle structure is also weakened and separated, but an abdominoplasty in Tampa can tighten up the muscle framework to create a firmer profile. The first step for this process is to schedule an in-office initial consultation with a plastic surgeon. During this time, he will perform a physical examination to ensure that you are in good health and are at a stable weight. He will also inquire about your medical conditions, drug allergies, and any prior surgeries you may have had. Additionally, there will also be photographs taken for your medical record, and to compare the before and after results.
On the day of your tummy tuck in Boston, you will be administered intravenous sedation and general anesthesia. Your surgeon will create tiny incisions in the area between the navel and pubic hairline and usually a second incision around the navel. Through these openings, your surgeon will remove the excess fat, and manipulate and contour the tissues and muscles as needed. It is likely that your belly button will be removed but you will be created a new one. A smaller version of an abdominoplasty in Tampa is available but it will only remove fat and skin from the lower portion of the belly. This is much more suited for patients who are within 10% of their ideal weight.
When the procedure is finished, the nurse will apply fresh dressings and bandages to your incisions and you may also be wrapped in a compression garment to reduce swelling and reinforce your midsection as you heal. You may still experience some swelling for a few weeks after the surgery, which will subsequently decrease within the next few weeks. After approximately a full three months recovery time, you will be free to enjoy your new slender abdominal profile.
Check our website for further information on abdominoplasty procedures : http://www.tummytuckinboston.com/Home/WhatisaTummyTuck.html